Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Word Confusion (Part 4)

A common slip-up for me is switching words around. For instance, ever since I was young, I have called the lawn-mower a mow-lawner. Although I now know that this isn’t a word, I have used it for so long that I really have to think before saying the word lawn-mower so that I don’t say it wrong. 

Another example of words I’ve switched the order of is another one I’ve done since I was young too: When someone has just returned from a run or some sort of energy-exerting activity, I’ve said, “Your pinks are cheek,” instead of “Your cheeks are pink.” This is another one that I’ve said wrong for so long that I still have slip-ups if I don’t think before I speak.

Family members and long-time friends know how I confuse these. So they’ll sometimes tell me that my pinks are cheek or call the lawn-mower a mow-lawner just to be funny – or make fun of me – Not quite sure which . . .

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