Friday, February 4, 2011

Urgent: For all chocoholics worldwide!

According to "Mail Online News," civil unrest in the Ivory Coast (where 40% of the world's cocoa beans are grown) is causing the cocoa farmers to move. It's already caused a 10% increase in the price of chocolate in this month alone. Next, we'll see the prices skyrocket higher and higher.

"Supplies of sustainable cocoa are set to run out, it's that simple," says Angus Kennedy, a leading British chocolatier.

 What's more, the sustainability of cocoa is projected to last only a few more years. Doom's date: 2014!

What are we chocoholics going to do?!

Personally, I intend on buying in bulk and stuffing my freezer with chocolate before prices become too unreasonable. Then, I may just look into what it takes to become a certified cocoa bean farmer, and if our soil is suitable for cocoa trees.

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