Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tonight, I was bored and trying to get motivated to do homework. I decided to come on and read our class blogs. Then I decided I should probably get some blogs of my own written for this week. But after writing one, I couldn't think of any other ideas.

So in my unmotivated boredom, I started feeding my fish. I don't mean real fish though. I've never actually owned a fish. But in my blog, you may have noticed the colored fish swimming about. If you put your mouse in the water and right-click, it'll drop food into the water. The fish then all swim over and eat it.

I've been "feeding" my fish for about ten minutes now. So if anyone else is bored, I just thought I'd mention that feeding the fish is a nice, mindless pass-time you might consider taking advantage of to avoid doing homework.


  1. I totally fed the fish just now. You're right, it is an amazing thing to pass time.

  2. haha, that's pretty sweet! do you know what kind of app. that is. i mean java or flash or whatnot?

  3. I actually have no idea. I found it under apps when I was first starting the blog.
