Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Silly Addictions

 Some people can use Facebook in moderation. Some can even ignore the Facebook craze completely. But others – like me – have an all-or-nothing mentality. I rationalize it by insisting that Facebook is a good way of helping me get through homework. After writing a paragraph for a paper or reading a few pages of a textbook, I’ll go see what’s new on Facebook, comment on statuses, chat, or whatever.

But I’m not on Facebook all the time of course. I sign out of Facebook to turn on Netflix. I love getting into a TV show and watching every episode of every season straight through. Netflix is also a great way to get homework done – Really, it is! If I’m reading for class, I can have a Netflix on and just listen to it. This only becomes an issue when the show or movie is more visually-based than audio. When this happens, I either miss out on integral pieces of information, or I quit reading and just watch.

Chocolate is wonderful because this is an addiction that you can have while doing almost anything. I can be driving, sitting in class, doing homework, Facebook, or watching a Netflix while also eating chocolate. Chocolate + __________ = The paramount way of multitasking.

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