Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another silly addiction

Lip gloss may seem like an odd addiction. But it is no less powerful. There is something delightful about the delicious, ooey-gooey, smooth feel of lip gloss on my mouth. 

I recently read that lip gloss has fish scales in it. Although it grossed me out at first, it didn’t stop me from slathering on the lip gloss throughout the day.

I also have lip gloss backups strategically placed around the house and in my purse for emergency lip-dryness. Before bed, I have to put on extra so it’ll last. If I don’t fall asleep right away, or if I wake up in the middle of the night, I get up and go put on more. If I don’t get up, I risk lying awake for hours thinking about how I should really put on more lip gloss (true story).

Well, speaking of addictions, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to check Facebook now. I’ve already got a Belgian chocolate truffle ready and in hand. Then I’ll grab a textbook and turn on Netflix. And heck, I may even apply another coat of lip gloss!


  1. All of your addictions seem harmless! Good for you. Now, go check FB! Ha.

  2. I hope they're harmless because I don't intend on giving any of them up anytime soon! And somewhat ironically, I'm on Facebook right now!

  3. My sister loves Lip Gloss. I never run out of things to buy her because I can always buy lip gloss for her.
