Monday, January 31, 2011

For the Love of Lists

I love lists. I write my to-do lists in multiple places. For fastest access, I use my small notepad that I keep my purse. I also write lists on my white-board. And I make note of things in my cell phone calendar as well as my paper calendar.

I love lists, but I also need lists to remember what I need to do and when. Important things to remember get written in multiple places. Very important things, or events I can’t forget, are starred, underlined, and/or circled. If it’s something I keep putting off but know I need to do, it usually gets starred, underlined, and circled.

I love making and organizing a list. And there’s a certain satisfaction in one by one crossing off the things I’ve finished. It’s like a rewarding oneself for a small accomplishment. If I wrote in pencil or on the dry-erase white-board, I erase them. But if I used pen, I scratch it out. Sometimes I scratch it out so vehemently that it just becomes a big black mark on the page. 

I have also begun getting in the habit of emailing reminders to myself. It’s getting almost obsessive and ridiculous!

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