Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Birthday = Chocolate

My birthday is this coming Sunday. So this week I’ve been treating myself to delicious double fudge chocolate chip brownies with chocolate fudge frosting. It’s my birthday present to me.
I considered making fudge too, but then I realized that might be a bit too much (considering I also traditionally make myself a chocolate birthday cake). Speaking of cake, I am such a fiend for frosting that I cut my piece of cake in half – the bottom being just cake, and the top being mostly frosting. Then I’ll eat the plain cake with a bite of ice cream (chocolate of course), and save the frosting for last.
I tend to rationalize my chocolate obsession/addiction. I sometimes eat loads of fruits and veggies to “cancel” out the chocolate I just inhaled. I have also even skipped meals to have extra chocolate – “extra” meaning above my typical daily chocolate intake.
Does anyone else have rationalizations for feeding your sweet-tooth?    


  1. Mmmmm... that sounds so good!! I love chocolate too, it's just so darn good! Plus, you only live once, right? ^_^
