Monday, January 24, 2011

Confessions of a Chocoholic

I work at a restaurant that has the most wonderful chocolate Ganache cake. I always recommend it to my customers. It’s a rich, decadent chocolate – similar to the consistency of cheesecake – with a rich Oreo cookie crust. Everyone that I have served it to has absolutely loved it. 

Sometimes though, the guests that are too full from their meals don’t finish their Ganache. Such a shame! It is during these rare times that I do something I once swore I’d never do: After taking the dish away, I grab a fork and finish off the Ganache myself. This has shocked many of my friends that consider me germ phobic. But I just mentally pretend that the customers are friends of mine. And that’s all it takes for me to easily dig into their half-eaten dessert. 

Whenever I order chocolate Ganache for myself at work, I change the presentation a bit. It’s supposed to be served over Marion berry puree with whip cream on top. For myself, I set it on a hunk of hot fudge. And on top of the whip cream, I drizzle Hershey’s syrup. So delicious! 

Customer Review: “The chocolate ganache cake (which is actually a pie) is one of the best desserts anywhere.” 


  1. I think you are definitely more of a chocoholic than I am!

    Lately I have been staying away from chocolate though, and have discovered something else amazing. Dave's Killer Bread makes these cinnamon rolls called "Sin Dawg" and they are amazing! All organic and "healthy" too with whole wheat instead of white. It's still a lot of sugar though, so I got a two-pack from Costco when they were doing a road show and cut them up into small pieces and put them in my freezer for when I need a sweet kick!

  2. I'm afraid I have yet to meet another chocoholic as bad as I am. Someday I hope to!

    I've never had or heard of Dave's Killer Bread cinnamon rolls. But for some reason it's making me think of monkey bread...

  3. Of course, I don't think monkey bread qualifies as "healthy." Certainly not the kind with delicious cream cheese filling in every bite!
