Friday, March 4, 2011

Quinci - I will love you forever

I have the most amazing cat in the world! (Exclamation point definitely necessary!) He has been my baby for ten years. I think everyone who's ever met him has wanted to take him home. 

He often thinks he's a dog. He'll come when I call his name, beg from the table, sit on command, and follow me around (and also makes me follow him around too). He's gentle and fiercely loyal. And he gets jealous if I even pet the dog. 
If he doesn't get his full amount of affection for the day, he'll make sure I know that he's in need of attention. I really don't mind this. I probably made him that way by spoiling him with love and affection. 

Today I took Quinci to the vet. I was there for three hours while he was getting tests, blood-work, and ex-rays. It turns out he is in the late stages of heart disease, with a heart arrhythmia. And his heart is much larger than it should be. The vet gave him a couple months to live. In shock, I asked if there was any way she could be wrong. She just said no, but that he may have, at most, up to a year. She then commented on his spunk - and that he may just be a fighter. I believe he is.

When I got him (as a present for my 14th birthday), I was thrilled. I had ALWAYS wanted a cat. But my dad was a self-proclaimed "cat-hater" who shot cats with a bee-bee gun when he was younger. When he finally gave in and got me a cat, Quinci immediately melted his heart. 

Quinci is perfect for me. He was born the runt. Since none of his siblings let him have any milk, he was hand-fed. And so he's always loved people (and hated cats). 

Personally, I've always liked soft things. And Quinci is incredibly soft. Every time I have taken him to the vet, the veterinarians always comment that he has bunny-like fur. I love his bunny fur. And I love him. 

Just a few minutes ago, he was nudging my typing fingers with his little pink-orange nose. So I stopped typing to pet him. Now he's comfortably sharing my computer chair with me.

Well, I'm not giving up on him. He's a fighter - I just know it!


  1. Good for you, and Quinci. Love is a power thing, and has done miracles before. Quinci sounds like a phenomenal companion and friend, and I will be praying for him to get better. =)

  2. He certainly is. :) Thank you so much!

  3. I will be praying for you and your kitty!

  4. Thanks - I really appreciate it!

  5. I miss my cats! We have awesome outside cats at my parents' house. They bring us moles and other nuisances to show us they are keeping our yard vermin free!
