Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Facebook is taking over my life

Okay, so “taking over” may be a bit of an exaggeration. But it does wield a powerful force over its users. And it is terribly addicting in nature. 

I think Facebook takes up much more of a person’s life than its users realize. First, time flies when you’re on Facebook. And even when not logged in, you’re still constantly bombarded with Facebook reminders to your email, phone, or Ipod.

I have found that nearly every time I go online, the first thing I do is check Facebook, even if I’m going online for an entirely different reason. Then I get distracted and stay on a bit. And sometimes I forget why I went online in the first place.  

One of my favorite features of Facebook is: The “like” button. It allows you to show your interest with one simple click. Though, I often wish that there was also a “dislike” button. And I’ve even wanted a button that allows you to “like” another person’s “like.”

I have also wished you could “like” someone’s status multiple times if you really like it. Or perhaps just adding a “super like” sort of like the “super poke.” Because, when your friend posts that he passed his math exam, it doesn’t deserve the same treatment as when another friend posts that she’s thrilled that she just found out she’s pregnant.

The “like” feature is actually a rather odd way Facebook is taking over my life. When I am reading a textbook for class and come across something interesting, I write “like” in the margin. Simple. Concise. To the point.

Come to think of it, Facebook lingo in general has taken over the margins of my books. I use “lol,” “haha,” “hehe,” “like” and even “dislike” regularly (in addition to more insightful comments of course). 

I just hope I’m not the only one who has noticed Facebook creeping into other areas of life! 


  1. It has this effect on me too. I wonder if there is a fancy name for this disorder yet. I do the same things you have described above. and it goes futher of course. we are always posting our pictures, no, taking picture to post on facebook. At least i do this. I see something i would otherwise not care to take a picture of. then i think "so-and-so would want to see it" and thus the picture is taken anyways. It is amazing how much this web site has influenced so many peoples lives.

  2. I do that too! I hadn't really thought about it before but I do take pictures that I normally wouldn't for the purpose of posting them on facebook! My name is Jolene, and I'm a facebook addict...
